Directed by Alan Lake
Genre | Experimental |
Country | Quebec |
Year | 2015 |
Length | 18 min 13 s |
Formats | Fichiers numériques seulement |
Sound | Stereo |
Version | No dialog |
Eager for everlasting embraces, drinking life through volcanic eruptions, a group of beings is, at once, gracefully mutated by nature and estranged by a fierce but beautiful force, in an improbable land at a crossroads between a flourishing garden and a disused factory.
human relationships, dance, men-women relationships, sexuality, violence, art, natureBiography
Alan Lake is a performer, choreographer, film director and visual artist. The essence of his work defines itself by gathering those disciplines to a common place, as a way to generate movement. Driven by his desire of creation, he founded Alan Lake Factori(e), producing stage performances like Là-bas, le lointain (2012) and film projects such as Jardins-Catastrophes (2014).
David Rancourt, Esther Rousseau-Morin, Arielle Warnke St-Pierre, Odile-Amélie Peters
Production | Pierre-René Bonette (Sagaworld Films) |
Script | Alan Lake |
CINEMATOGRAPHY | François Gamache |
PRODUCTION DESIGN | Alan Lake, Jean-Nicolas Demers |
EDITING | Jason Arbour |
Music | Simon Elmaleh |
Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec
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Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay
Festival TransAmériques
Festival Mural