Directed by Raphaël Ouellet

Genre Fiction
Country Quebec
Year 2015
Length 11 min
Formats DCP
Sound 5.1
Version No dialog


5 women : 5 tales of ordinary oppression.


taboos, anger, self esteem, marginality, lonelyness, affective disorder


If Raphaël was a fruit, he would be a pineapple. Thorny on the outside but pleasant and sweet on the inside (although a bit fibrous). He is from Rimouski and works in Montreal. Raphaël directs movies and composes photos narrating his fears and people's morals. He strives to understand what drives them forward day after day. Therefore it means he works thoroughly and he probably won’t ever stop doing so. Raphaël refers to himself in the third person only when he writes his biography. He won more than 50 awards over the world, including prestigious institutions such as PDN, Communication Arts and American Photography. The previous sentence makes Raphaël really uncomfortable but he considers that winning awards is useless if he cannot include those in his biography… Raphaël deeply loves people.


Victoria Barkoff, Sandrine Bisson, Debbie Lynch-White, Sarah Pellerin, Alexa-Jeanne Dubé



Raphaël Ouellet


Raphaël Ouellet


Barry Russel, Raphaël Ouellet

EDITING Raphaël Ouellet
Sound Pierre-Olivier Rioux
Music Alexandre Bernhari


Longue vue sur le court | 2016 | PRIX DU MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE QUÉBÉCOIS


Thess International Short Film Festival
Off-Courts de Trouville
Slamdance Film Festival
Festival Un poing c'est court
Festival du nouveau cinéma
Regard sur le court métrage au Saguenay
Longue vue sur le court
Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec
Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois
Festival Plein Écran