By the Pool
Directed by Karine Bélanger
Genre | Fiction |
Country | Quebec |
Year | 2016 |
Length | 14 min 58 s |
Formats | DVD, DCP, Blu-Ray |
Sound | 5.1 |
Version | Original French version, English subtitles |
During the heat wave, swimmers flock to a municipal pool. Rain or shine, as the days pass the place takes on a life of its own, and the lifeguards, while immature at times, shoulder considerable responsibilities.
teenagers, friendship, work relationshipsBiography
Karine Bélanger has a Bachelor’s degree in film studies from the Université de Montréal. After working in film restoration, she moved to production. She is currently the coordinator for Coop Vidéo de Montréal and has just completed her first short film, Maîtres nageurs.
Théodore Pellerin, Simon Pigeon, Carla Turcotte, Julianne Côté
Production | Andrew Przybytkowski (Coop Vidéo) |
Script | Karine Bélanger |
CINEMATOGRAPHY | Vincent Biron |
PRODUCTION DESIGN | Valérie Gagnon-Hamel |
EDITING | Sophie Benoit-Sylvestre |
Sound | Jean-Sébastien Beaudoin-Gagnon, Alexandre Auger, Louis Collin, Bruno Bélanger |
Music | Peter Venne |
Festival Vues dans la tête |2017| PRIX DU JURY
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